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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Big news!!!

We are excited to share that we have a contract on our house and should close by the end of May. This is a huge weight lifted from our shoulders, knowing that we could not move to Guatemala until our house has sold. We love seeing how God works things out… The family buying our house is a single mom with two daughters and one of her daughters was adopted from Guatemala.

We want to let everyone know that the address for Catalyst is changing. The new address is:

Catalyst Resources International
P.O. Box 1594
Lake Wales, FL 33859

If you have sent a support check to the other address, it will be forwarded to the new address. We just want to make everyone aware of the new address. Remember to write “Wheeler Family” in the memo of your check.

At this point, we have raised approximately 30% of our financial support. We hope to hear good news very soon about financial support from several churches that we have been meeting with. We are praying that since we have a contract on our house that the remaining funds will come in quickly.

We are so thankful for all of you who are generously supporting our work in Guatemala through your prayers and financial support. We do not take this responsibility lightly. We are excited about how we will be working together to share God’s love with the people of Guatemala.

As we write this, we do not have an exact moving date. While we know that we might need to step out in faith and move before we have raised 100% of our funds, we are also wanting to make wise decisions for our family. If you are planning to partner with us through monthly financial support but have not yet started sending in your contributions, could you help us plan by filling in the response card below and sending it to the Catalyst address? We realize that many people might want to help as soon as we move, and it would be a huge help if you could send your response card in soon. Please know that even if you feel like the amount you are able to give is small, it will be a huge blessing to our family and to the people we will be working with.

Response card (Just copy and paste to a Word document and print.)
Yes! I will partner with the Wheeler family through monthly financial support and prayer.

Mail support to:
Catalyst Resources International
P.O. Box 1594
Lake Wales, FL 33859
Memo: The Wheeler Family

_____ $25 per month Name: _____________________
_____ $50 per month e-mail address: ________________
_____ Other home church: _________________

Encouraging verse for us this month:
“Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions. It is by our actions that we know we are living in the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before the Lord.”
1 John 3:18-19

1 comment:

Spears said...

so excited to see how God is working in all of this!