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Thursday, July 14, 2011

I got to play dress-ups with Maria and some of the other babies at the malnutrition center this week since my mom sent some adorable baby clothes.

This little boy is Bryan and he has a twin sister named Ashley. (Very Guatemalan names, huh?) He is a pretty chunky little guy, but is at the center because his sister is there. We're trying to get him to crawl, but he much prefers scooting on his bottom. He is a smiley, happy little baby!

This is my little Thelma. She is very serious in this picture, but that is because I am not holding her and bouncing her around. She impressed us all with her language skills this week. When one of the volunteers left the room, Thelma said, "Marsha?" She noticed she was gone and remembered her name!

I wish I had pictures of all the work that Robby has been doing lately, but he has been too busy to stop and take pictures. Last week he and a team from Florida built a home for two sisters in a little town called Durazno. The sisters were living in a house (and I'm sure if any of you had seen it you wouldn't have described it as a house) with so many holes that the rain poured in each time it rained. The two sisters each had one child and Robby found out that the younger mother had been raped. Even Robby teared up at the home dedication. This was a family that had experienced so many difficulties -- losing their parents, a rape and later the birth of a child as a result of the rape -- and yet God used a group of believers to encourage this family and show them His love.

This week he is busy finishing two houses in another community. I am so proud of his hard work and the ways he is witnessing to the families he is working with.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Love seeing you loving on those little ones. Wish I could be there love on on em too!! Love from Ky_!:-)